Is your Raiser’s Edge™
database a hot mess but you don’t know the extent of the mess? Is it hard to know where to start with clean up?
Discover the turn-key system that gives you full visibility into everything that’s wrong and everything that’s right in your database

- Everyone says they can’t “trust the database”
- I’m overwhelmed with where to start in cleaning up my fundraising database
- Every time I pull a mailing list or report, it is never right and I have to manipulate the data in Excel
- Nobody signs into Raiser’s Edge™
- We’re not using all the modules we’re paying for
- I’m spending a lot of time doing work-arounds and just need to fix what’s broken
Over the last decade, I have diagnosed over 500 Raiser’s Edge™ databases and here's a secret tip: only when you know the state of your fundraising database can you make a plan to fix it. There’s a method I’ve developed to examine your database in an efficient, effective way, and I want to share it with you.
I want to help you understand how your Raiser’s Edge™ database scores against best practice, exactly what needs to be cleaned up, and how to articulate the state of the database to your leadership.
Introducing….The Raiser’s Edge™ Database Diagnostics Project:
an end-to-end, turn-key, proven system that helps you assess every area of your Raiser’s Edge™ database.
Our scorecard will look at four specific areas:
Overall Database Health: This is where we’ll examine the number of duplicate constituents, all of your coding, misspelling of funds and appeals, missing codes in your system, and much more.
Constituent Management & Tracking: In this section of the scorecard, we’ll dive deep into your coding for constituents, like addressees and salutations, how you’re tracking board members, solicitor relationships, and all other areas.
Gift Entry & Pledge Management: Here we’ll dig into your gift coding and the consistency of those codes, acknowledgements, your pledges and collection rates, and all other custom fields affiliated with the gift and pledge entry process.
Database Utilization: Databases are expensive, so let’s make sure you’re using every module you’re paying for and using it in the right way. We’ll also look to see how often and when users are using the database.
Here’s a sneak peek of what you’ll learn inside this self-paced course:
Lesson 1: Some organizations know their database is a mess but they need to know the extent of the mess. Other organizations are battling this cultural belief that all the data in the database is wrong, and they are looking for a tool to either confirm or rebut that perception. We’ll dig into this in lesson 1!
Lesson 2: You’ll receive your scorecard and begin to assess your database. As you populate the scorecard, you’re going to benchmark your database against our established Raiser’s Edge™ best practices. This is like shining a light in all the deep, dark corners of your database. There are about 40 indicators that you’ll delve into and for each indicator, we have an established best practice. We’ll also include a companion document that will help you score and measure your data.
Lesson 3: We’ll teach you how to calculate your scorecard results and then present the findings to leadership. You’ll learn how to interpret the results, deliver the findings, and rally for the resources you need to clean up the database. (This is such a game-changer!)
Lesson 4: This lesson will help you understand “what’s next” after you diagnose your database. We’ll talk through how to articulate the time commitment that will be needed, how and when to engage the team, and what resources exist to help you.

And because this information is so powerful I’m able to charge over $3,000 to diagnose databases on behalf of my clients. I’ve even taught this material in group coaching sessions for $1,500 a pop. Why?
Because with this knowledge, clients are then able to save a ton of time, actually fix their broken Raiser’s Edge™ database, instill trust in the data, reports, and mailing lists, and offer a better experience with donors.
And that’s why you can get instant access to the Raiser’s Edge™ Database Diagnostics Project for just one payment of $247.